📣 The MiniBolt guide! 🖥️ minibolt.info
A complete guide to building your own “DIY” Bitcoin & Lightning full node on a personal computer.
It builds on a personal computer with x86/amd64 architecture processors.
It is based on the popular RaspiBolt v3 guide.
Those are some of the most relevant changes:
- Changed OS from Raspberry Pi OS Lite (64-bits) to Ubuntu Server LTS (Long term support) 64-bit PC (AMD64)
- Changed binaries and signatures of the programs to adapt them to x86/amd64 architecture
- Deleted unnecessary tools and steps, and added others according to this case of use
- Added some useful authentication logs monitoring commands in the security section
- Added some interesting parameters in the settings of some services to activate and take advantage of new features
- Changed I2P, Fulcrum, and ThunderHub guides, to be part of the core guide
- Added exclusive optimization section of services for slow devices
Complete release notes MiniBolt v1: https://github.com/twofaktor/minibolt/releases/tag/1.0
MiniBolt guide is available at: https://minibolt.info
Feel free to contribute to the [source code on GitHub]https://github.com/minibolt-guide/minibolt) by opening issues, pull requests, or discussions
Created by ⚡2 FakTor⚡ member of the Bitcoin Barcelona Community
tw: https://twitter.com/twofaktor
reddit sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/minibolt
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