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Conversation Details /
2023-08-03 17:31:03

Conversation Details

📝 Summary: Alice and Luke Dashjr discuss the growth potential of blockchain and the limitations of storage per block. Alice believes that the current cost of hardware makes it feasible to handle the growth, while Luke argues that storage is not the main issue and efforts are being made to optimize space requirements for individual nodes.

👥 Authors: • GamedevAlice ( GamedevAlice [ARCHIVE] (npub18zr…lw24) ) • Luke Dashjr ( Luke Dashjr [ARCHIVE] (npub1tfk…fq0n) )

📅 Messages Date: 2023-08-02

✉️ Message Count: 2

📚 Total Characters in Messages: 51185

Messages Summaries

✉️ Message by GamedevAlice on 02/08/2023: The growth potential of the blockchain is limited by the amount of storage that can be added per block. However, the current cost of hardware makes it feasible to handle the growth. Efforts are also being made to optimize storage requirements.

✉️ Message by Luke Dashjr on 02/08/2023: Storage is not the issue with block sizes, and there are efforts to optimize how much space is needed by individual nodes.

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